More ways to give

Support our work creatively

Regular giving

Most parishioners support us with a monthly Standing Order (direct transfer from their bank). Giving in this way means we do not have to worry about storing cash securely or lose time counting and banking it. It also enables our Finance Committee to budget more effectively.

Regular Giving can be for general parish purposes, or ring-fenced for a particular purpose. For example, some people give to our Building Fund, to our Youth Ministry, to our work of Evangelisation, or to our work with those in need.

How to take out a standing order
Most banks now provide banking facilities online or in a mobile app.
If you need help setting up a standing order, you can email us using the link below, or by searching online "set up a standing order on [your banks name]".

You can choose to fund one or both of our collections by standing order or via a one-off donation via BACS, using the bank details provided below.

To support the general collection
Use these bank details to fund the daily mission of our parish. Expenses from this account include our youth ministry initiatives, care for the elderly and housebound, our staff salaries, utilities and daily upkeep of the parish building and resources.

Account Number: 27031527
Sort Code: 60-17-31
Reference: Y2024

To support the restoration project
Use this bank account to fund the building and restoration fund of our church buildings.

Account Number: 10436774
Sort Code: 60-17-31
Reference: B2024F


It is hard to imagine a better way of giving something back to our parish than to help others find a home here in the future.

Please consider St Elizabeth's when you are making or re-drafting your will. Your gift will have a lasting impact, helping us to inspire and support future generations in their faith.

Friends of St Elizabeth's

Many people want to continue to support St Elizabeth's as a sign of their appreciation for the work we do here. One way of doing that is by becoming a Friend. When you become a Friend you can select an area of ministry to support. You also receive parish reports and invitations to social events.

Workplace matching

Many workplaces encourage generosity among their employees by matching the money you give to a charitable organisation such as our parish. The list is always changing but click on the link below to see if your business is part of the scheme.

St Anthony's Poor

St Elizabeth's runs a number of projects serving the needs of our local community. These include lunches for the homeless and a winter night shelter; support for local families; and a developing programme of activities for the elderly.

Building Fund

In 2024 the parish will celebrate the bi-centenary of the opening of our Church. To prepare for that we are undergoing an extensive restoration of our Grade II listed building and at the same time ensuring our facilities are accessible and meet current legislative standards. We have raised over a million pounds but to complete the work we have to raise a further £650,000. Would you pledge a monthly donation to our Building Fund?

Creative giving

Apart from supporting us directly with your donations and maximising them with Gift Aid, parishioners have found other ways to support our work. Here are a few to give you some ideas.


Easyfundraising is amazingly effective for anyone who shops online. Over 7,000 companies (and the list is growing all the time) will donate to us a small percentage of what you spend with them.

Our church is registered on easyfundraising under ‘St Elizabeth of Portugal’ and it takes only 2 minutes to sign up and support us. It won't cost you any extra. The donation is covered by the brand. This way of giving really does make a difference and we have already raised £1,580+ through easyfundraising. All money raised through easyfundraising supports our Youth Ministry.


Fundraising is a great way to support the parish and we are really open to creative fundraising ideas, whether that’s running a marathon, hosting a bake sale, organising a pub quiz evening - the opportunities are limitless.

There are some great online tools out there that can help you to get your fundraising going, like or JustGiving. If you do decide to fundraise for us, please let us know at the Parish Office so that we can help you to publicise what you are doing.

Match funding

Match funding is a really creative way to give if you want to make a significant donation to the parish.

For example, instead of giving £10,000, if you pledged this money, we could run a parish-wide match funding campaign. This would mean that for every £1 given, you would match £1 up to £10,000.

This doubles everyone's donation, incentivises everyone to give and helps us to reach our target. Everybody wins. To explore match funding, contact our Finance Coordinator.

Thanksgiving Fund

God blesses us in many different ways. A donation to our Thanksgiving Fund acknowledges that blessing and returns thanks for it. The donations we receive through the Thanksgiving Fund are used to support our evangelisation and catechetical projects throughout the year. So whether it is a bonus or a baby, a wedding or a granted prayer, we invite you to show your gratitude by donating to our Thanksgiving Fund.

Gift Aid

Most people who pay UK income or capital gains tax can increase the value of their donation by 25% if they sign a Gift Aid Declaration. Higher Rate tax payers can also claim tax relief on any donation they make to the parish.

What is GiftAid?

Gift Aid is tax relief on money donated to UK charities. The charity can reclaim the tax that the person has already paid on their income and so increase the value of a donation. Almost all of us pay tax on our income, benefits, pension, interest on savings or share dividends and can therefore use the scheme.

Can I claim Gift Aid?

In order to claim Gift Aid, a donor must:

1. pay enough UK income tax (this includes pension payments, bank interest and share dividends) and/or capital gains tax themselves to cover the amount of tax the charity will reclaim

2. give the charity a gift aid declaration, which should include their name, home address and the charity’s name details of the donation – saying that it is a gift aid donation confirmation that they have paid UK tax – to cover the tax the charity will reclaim. The Parish can reclaim an extra £25 on every £100 that is given by standard rate (20%) taxpayers.

If you are a higher rate (40%) taxpayer then you can reclaim a further £25 on every £100 of your gift from the Inland Revenue in your Self-Assessment tax return so the effective cost to you when the Parish receives  £1,250 (you donate £1,000) is just £750.

If you have any questions or concerns about Gift Aid, you can contact the Finance Coordinator below.

Unsure of how much to give?

We encourage parishioners to give in proportion to their income. That way we can all be united in the sacrifice we make.

If you are unsure of how to give, or just want to talk about how your giving could make the greatest impact here at St Elizabeth’s, our Finance Coordinator, Christopher Goodhart, would be very happy to connect in person.