Join a team

Growing through service

Our parish teams

Joining a team is a great way to serve on a regular basis. Most teams have monthly rotas so that the commitment doesn't become too onerous. Each team also has a variety of different tasks so that people can serve according to their talents. Feel free to try out different teams until you find one that works for you.

Sunday ministries

Sunday is when the largest number of people visit St Elizabeth's. It is a great day to get involved and often a good place to start serving. We need volunteers to help with anything from welcoming people when they arrive to tidying up after Mass. If you could spare us some time please let us know. Even just a half hour once a month makes a big difference to us.

Hospitality & catering

Whether its providing refreshments after a Sunday Mass, or feeding a large group of people at a parish event, help is always needed in our catering team. Can't cook? We also need people to set up and serve, to load the dishwasher, and to tidy away afterwards. If God has given you the gift of hospitality, this could be team for you!


Has God blessed you with musical talent? Joining a music team lets you use that gift to honour him and bring our whole church together in prayer and praise. If you are a teenage or adult musician and would like to use your gift to worship God, you would be so welcome to join us in being a part of the music ministry here at St Elizabeth’s.
In addition to our traditional choir at our 11am Solemn Mass we have more informal music at the 9am Family Mass and a group of teenage musicians on Sundays at 5.30pm.


These days the Church aims to be present in person and online. We are currently building a Communications Team to broadcast our Sunday Masses, ensure we have a dynamic and engaging social media presence, and celebrate God's blessings both in print and online. Please contact us if you are interested in the production side of events (streaming, audio, lighting); photography, graphics and social media; or reporting and story telling. We would love to hear from you.

Intergenerational activities

At St Elizabeth's we strive to ensure no one is forgotten or abandoned as they get older or infirmity makes it difficult for them to attend Mass. Our current restoration project will ensure much easier and safer access to the crypt where most of our social activities take place. We are establishing a team to care for our older parishioners and to organise a variety of exciting intergenerational activities. We would love you to be involved.

Internships & award schemes

Our parish internships offer individuals a chance to experience and develop skills in their chosen area of ministry. Interns dedicate a day each week to the parish and are also present to help out every Sunday.
We are also often able to respond to requests to volunteer or serve as part of the Duke of Edinburgh or similar award schemes. Let us know your interest and availability and we will do our best to help.

Maintenance team

In a building as old as ours there are always lots of jobs to be done: maintenance, gardening, church cleaning, polishing, health and safety, and general upkeep.
Our Maintenance Team provides the unseen hands that make sure everything is looked after, clean and in good repair. In that way this most important ministry ensures our church is cared for and a fitting home in which to worship God.

Finance team

Our parish finances are overseen by the Finance Committee comprised of members who serve on a three year rota. The Finance Committee prepares and monitors our budget. It also oversees Gift Aid and encourages parishioners to support our work with their financial support. We would also like to put together a fundraising team and would love to hear from you if you have experience in this area.

Office team

We know we only get one chance to make a first impression and for us at St Elizabeth's having a friendly person to help out in the office is a real blessing. We need people who can volunteer for a few hours each week and can help support our parish staff with basic administration tasks.

Your ideas are welcome!

Do you have an idea for an activity not listed here? Are you willing to find a few other people and work with them to make it happen? If so we would love you to put together a proposal and share it with us.